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Entomology and Nematology Department

Entomology and Nematology Department

Dr. Andrew J. Mongue

Assistant Professor, Molecular Ecology

Dr. Mongue uses molecular data to better understand insects for both basic and applied purposes. In particular, he works to bring genomic data to insects with unusual reproductive biology, those that are crop pests, or both. He is interested in a broad range of taxa and has worked extensively with butterflies and moths and true bug species to assemble genomes, explore demography, and detect natural selection on genes of interest. Dr. Mongue also explores using his study insects for outreach teaching and public engagement with science.

  • Research

    Dr. Mongue is interested in a number of questions in entomology including: What are the benefits and costs of deviation from common reproductive systems? Why and how do some species show extreme differences between males and females? What genes are under selection in crop pest species in the wild? Uniting all of these questions is a focus on molecular data and analyses that can provide answers at the genome level.

  • Teaching
    • Molecular Ecology

a photo of Dr. Andrew Mongue


2214 Steinmetz Hall
1881 Natural Area Dr.
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-273-3940

  • Education
    • Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Kansas 2019
    • M.S. Biology Emory University 2013
    • B.S. Biology Emory University 2013
  • Publications